Disable red badge icon on your iPhone or iPad

by Ricardo Gonzalez June 26, 2017

Disable red badge icon on your iPhone or iPad

Tired of seeing those annoying red badge notification icons on your iOS devices (iPhone, iPad, iPod)? If you're not a fan of those visual alerts (like we are) then this article is right for you. You can disable these red badge notifications from appearing in your screen. iOS refers to these notifications as "Badge App Icons" and can be disabled on each individual application. 

How to Turn Off Badge App Icons for Any App on iPhone & iPad

This works the same in all versions of iOS for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch:

  1. Open the “Settings” app
  2. Tap on “Notifications”
  3. Scroll and select the app you want to disable the badge notifications for
  4. Swipe “Badge App Icon” to OFF
  5. Repeat to disable for other apps

As an example, here’s what disabling the red badge icons for the email app in a iPhone looks like:

Red Bad App Icon disabled

The effect of an app icon before and after toggling this switch is the removal of the red icon with the number on it. These red ribbon icons can get extremely annoying especially because iPhone's and apple device have them "On" by default. You can also disable notifications on your lock screen from this Notifications Tab. 

Red Badge Icon Disable on Facebook

 Toggling the "Badge App Icon" OFF will turn off the red badge icons that sit atop the app icon in iOS. You will notice the changes immediately. The red badge will disappear from the application icons, regardless of the the notification was read.   

This method works for all versions of iOS so no need to look up your current iOS version.


The drawback to disabling the red badge icon on your applications is that it will be easier to miss important alerts. Therefore, we suggest not disabling the "Badge App Icon for the following applications that control: text messages, phone calls, and applications updates (App Store). Also, remember you can always switch the red ribbon icon back on if you notice that you contently miss important information. 

This was post was inspired from osxdaily.

Ricardo Gonzalez
Ricardo Gonzalez
